Monday, June 26, 2006

Set the controls for the heart of the sun..

You want to know how hot today is? I'll tell you how hot today is. I feel like I'm on an Adder class starship trying to get rid of triffles. Or trying to refuel.. Its that fewking hot. I'm serious man, its like Satan declared open season in downtown Tigard, there's a barbeque, and we're all invited, as the main course.

Its our own special little breed of hell down here, my air conditioner is barely making my room habitable by volcano dwelling lava skippers, and they're dancin' on the molten remains of my airmattress, while my computer screams obscenities at me as its poor silicon heart melts down.

HOT! Are you getting the point?



Someone PLEASE send help... The Captain of the ships gone crazy, and he's set the controls for the heart of the sun.

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