Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Melodies in the afterdark.

Good evening readers. Its been a good long while since I posted anything that was dreary and dark. So today I come to you with, at the least, no personal tragedies. No dark thoughts or self-deprecation.

Today I come to you with a song. Its not a *HAPPY* song, but its a powerful song. And as any of you who know me will understand, I am drawn to that which evokes strong emotion. It doesn't matter whether its emotions of joy, or terror, or depression. Musics job is to make you feel, as is any arts. And so I bring to you, art. If you've ever been in the situation this song describes, as offender or the offended, prepare to have yourself rocked to your core.

The artist who made the video is not the artist who made the song, nor is it the video the artist developed to be associated with it. But the artist who did this one, has shown them how its done properly.

"Its too late to Apologize" by "Timbaland", originally by "One Republic"

Do not make the mistake of merely listening to the song while not watching the video, you'll miss the impact this incredibly talented artist has put into bringing forth the emotion the song describes.


That being out of the way.

Today is going pretty darn well for me. I haven't made mention of my new job yet in this Blog, so perhaps I should do so now. I work for Alpine Access as a customer service agent. This allows me the glorious opportunity of working from home, combining all the best parts of working at home with working in an office, and ditching some of the negatives of both. I get paid regular hourly wages, but never have to get dressed for work, drive in inclement weather, or have anyone over my shoulder. The only thing that matters is that I do my job, and do it well. Which means I can chat with my friends online, play LOTRO while between calls, and generally keep my very active mind focused on work by keeping it busy with other things. I could only be happier if it paid better money, and I didn't have child support coming out. But hey, you can't win them all. :) At least not without the cheat codes. Anyone has those for life, let me know, k?

*Switches gears out of the previous song to 'Written in Blood' by 'She wants Revenge'*

Anyway, mostly wonderful moods today and yesterday. Z and I've been playing a great deal of LOTRO lately, and thats been a great deal of fun. Especially since I can take advantage of my slow work days to make food and jewelry for our lower level characters. Essentially, I have ascended to Master Farmer status on the back of 'slow calls', and getting paid all the while. Yes my friends, this is the way to live.

In other news, I've managed to get myself a business license, and am slowly but shirley... Anyway.. Surely working my way up towards getting the webpage worked up to be a real functioning business site. For those of you that don't know I'm the sole proprietor of 'Arcadian Nights', a business dedicated to making delightful soaps, bath, and body products, to include wonderful Massage Bars, Coffee Flavored soaps, and the like. It started out as a concept for putting together baskets of this sort of thing designed for 'romantic nights' that are themed. IE - Carribean Nights, with Doubloon shaped bath fizzies that makes the water sparkle with gold, that remains when the bather steps out. Massage bars shaped like Treasure chests that, as they melt, reveal pieces of nice jewelry, scented candles and skull and crossbone candle holders, and a few other trinkets of that nature.

It never made that step forward, though its still on the horizon, right now we're still developing products and experimenting with what we have. We've found a few recipes we like, a few that make our noses twitch, and are constantly looking forward for more things of this type. Slowly but surely, the business is becoming a reality. We even have a couple regular customers and business cards!

That being said...

I have a fever, and the only thing for it, is more cowbell!!


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