Saturday, August 26, 2006

A post to post the post a post!

Good day readers. Just wanted to post in and try to give some kind of explanation for that last post.

Life's been nutz the past year or so, and honestly, thats no excuse for a father to not stay in contact with his kids. But, thats what I did. Trying to stabilize and get some sense of order in my life, I failed to maintain contact with my children.

Thankfully children are remarkably forgiving, and I have reestablished contact with that part of my life, and I've no intention of ever letting that be out of my list of priorities again. Not that it ever was, but that would require far more explanation tonight than I really feel like going into.

Until then, that was the mystery..

Over and out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope this is a sign of good things to come for everyone involved. Good for you Aodhan. (((huggles)))

