Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Good morning to you fine readers, or afternoon if yer anywhere but on the West Coast (Or Hawaii, but if you're in hawaii, I don't want to hear about it.. Truth.)

So I've just settled down after a nice afternoon meal of grilled chicken sammy on wheat bread with lettuce and tomato and onion.. Yum. Just yum. Its been an interesting morning, my first two hours of phone calls went fabulously, no stress, no worry. Just hammerin' 'em out, one after another, and gettin' things down pat.

Its nice to know I'll be settling into my new home away from home soon. The calls are almost deceptively easy, and I've seen a few of the more complex ones whilst sitting with other folks. And some of the stuff, of course, I'll have to check time and time again to make sure I'm getting it right. But all in all, its cake.

Time this week has, when not at work, begun to creep down to a slow crawl. You see, this Friday I'm off to see Zarhah, and of course in the meantime I'm waiting for the week to end anxiously. Yes yes.. If you know me at all, this is ALREADY getting old, though I fear for poor Zarhah the most. I'm sure the days pass with no more alacrity for her than I, and then to hear me gripe about it.. Well.. *shrugs*

Not sure about this sunshine mind you, I'm rather hoping that come the end of the week there will be something a little more mild to accompany my visit to the Great Northern Wastes. (Or is that Great Northern Waists? I mean, she *IS* a belly dancer after all *whistles innocently*)

Oh, something interesting I learned yesterday: Many people feel that simply because many people have 3rd grade reading levels in the US, that our medical insurance policy should be accessible to them on that level, and that they should not be held responsible for understanding their own health care. Disclaimer: I do not abide Stupid People. Sub-Text: The difference between ignorance and stupidity, is Ignorance can be taught.

LISTEN! If *ANYONE* is responsible for your health care and understanding your insurance policies.. Its you. Not your provider, not your sister, brother, mother, uncle. Believe me, I worked in member services answering questions about medical insurance, we can make it understandable if you don't try to make it harder than it is.

LEARN your policies people.. Just do it. And for gods sake, *ASK* why the doctor wants to stick a metal-hooba-joob up your butt before you let him do it..

This has been your Medical Insurance Service Announcement.

Aodhan Out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*snort giggle*

that is all
