Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Piper at the gates of dawn or: Sliding in Autumn

Quote of the day: All of this world, is for children who play.

Good morning gentle readers, and welcome. Come, sit by the stream under the willow trees and have a cup of tea. Its fresh off the fire. I hope the day finds you well, as it finds me pleasant enough. Today is another almost perfect day. Yesterday finished itself out well, or as well as one could hope for. It is strange to think that out of all of this, she gave me a gift. One she's not quite ready to hear about, but one that is important and significant. I hope one day I'll be able to tell her what that was.

But as today sits... Well... Take that kettle off the fire will you.. over there is fine. As I was saying, today feels a bit like the first day of Autumn. The quiet in the air, still and peaceful. For all that its nearly the first day of Summer. Its more of a 'Autumn of life' type of day. Things are clean and crisp, ready to start again, and ready for that quiet rest that is Winter. For me, Winter has always been a time of beginnings, time to settle and plan, to quietly contemplate what steps to take.

As it has been alot lately, the concept of "Peace" has been on my mind. Its a funny thing, peace. You can't demand it, can't shake your fist at life and declare 'I will be peaceful!'. Its something you have to make, a bit of work, every day, at keeping yourself still. And sometimes being still requires things that are not peaceful, but getting them taken care of will make returning to being peaceful that much easier. And not dealing with them.. Well. Will only make things more difficult, and peace won't come.

So thats my resolution, who needs to wait till New Years? To look at the things that make my life less peaceful, and address them. And as I do that, day by day, well. Things will get more and more peaceful. But I will not seek out the things that make my life less peaceful, lest I find things that arent there. I will merely address them when I come to them, each in their own time. And nothing will I rush, like a leaf in the stream, I will go where the waters take me, content to know that the river knows its way.

My words and suggestion to each of you today. Find your peace. Find your inner self, and talk to it. For most of us its been trying to talk to us for a very long time, and we've just not had ears to listen. And a piece of wisdom from our dear Cornelius. "Let everything that doesn't matter, truly slide."

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