Saturday, July 26, 2008

And so we start again... again... Or "C'mon! I just want to lose 45 pounds to start with! How hard is that?"

So... Its been a while since I posted on my weight loss regime, though I continued longer than this blog attests to... Even got down to 209 pounds at one point.

And then I fell off the wagon, and I'm back up to 225... I'll be starting again, as I now realize I was HALFWAY there. I'll begin again, and I will beat this thing.. I wish to be healthy, well-built, and happy with my appearance. I have a target in mind for this, beyond merely weight, it is in fact my appearance that will be the gauge I judge by.

So starting tomorrow, I'll be kicking it off again with detailed posting and tracking..

And hopefully some actual POSTING as well..

I learned something new today... Or perhaps something old came out of the fog of selective memory, and I understand something further about myself.. This helps to make everything clearer as its the root of one major problem, and perhaps more.

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