Thursday, March 27, 2008

The morning after.

So I didn't sleep well last night, woke up at 1am fidgety and still feeling rotten. Sometime during the night Zahrah rolled over and cuddled up behind me, and everything was alright again.

I woke up this morning feeling vestiges of the rotten, but mostly feeling okay and put together. It bothers me when stuff like last night hits, because things have been going so well, and I don't know how to put a stop to it. Guess thats what therapies for though, right?

Starting Date: 03/25/08
Starting Weight: 226
Current Weight: 226
Goal: 180
Pounds to Go: 46
Pounds lost: None.. YET.

That being said.

Don't know if I mentioned it last night, and I'm too lazy to go check, but I started dieting and exercise this week. Last night I spent an hour on the Exercycle, and spent half of THAT doing reps of 20 with alternating arms with a 5# weight.

Did the same thing this morning, only I added a... whatchamahoosit, when you stretch your arm out stiff and go from side to outstretched. Figured I should work my shoulders as well as my biceps.. And *OW* did I feel it. I may do some more later on on my breaks.. Seems a good way to spend 'em.

So from now on, I'll be posting a progress report int he exercise/weight loss department, and lets start with the starting numbers:

Wish me luck!

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