Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I live.. No really.

    Hey folks, I know its been a long time since I've written here.  Life has been a combination of crazy busy, and too lazily good to.. well.. write about. :)   Things are happy here, a little more so every day.  This weekend past I wound up sick as a dog...  Now isn't that an interesting phrase?  When was the last time you saw a truely ill dog as a normal thing?  Anyway...
    I did however get to truly see a wonderful new side of Zahrah this weekend past as I was lying in a wretched fever and exhausted beyond all recognition.  She took wonderful care of me, offering every time I stirred in my sleep throughout the night to get up and get me anything I needed.  (In her sleep I might add, she only remembers asking once).
    And then when I had to stay home from work, no grief, no lamenting the loss of money, even briefly.  Just agreeing it was a good idea to help me rest and recover so I didn't get sicker.  She truly is a wonderful caretaker, and I'm lucky to have her.  As everyone (and I do mean everyone) who has met her who knew me previously has said.  I can't express to anyone how lucky I am.  I love her *SO* much, and its so easy to do.
    Anyway, I do need to end this here, but wanted t'let y'all know I'm still alive.

1 comment:

Disillusioned said...

I hope you feel better soon, Aodhan.

