Well gentle readers, I have made it to darling Zahrah's domicile in a number of pieces relatively close to the number I started in. For those of you who consider, for even a moment, riding Greyhound.. Here's my little piece of advice.
*DON'T* for the love of god don't. Because the bus I was on was an hour late, I would have had to wait until the 12:45 am bus to ride the rest of my trip north from Seattle to Mt. Vernon. Instead, after frantically calling around trying to get ahold of Zahrah's number (a series of hideous travesties I deign not to go into now, lets just say my self respect was laid on a chopping block and utterly annihilated by the end of said task, which wound up being successful. In a way. Kind of like how demolishing a city block is a successful way to close down the deli on said block).
So while I'm waiting, my day planner gets swiped... I'll place no blame on any other than myself for this. It vanished.. With my return ticket home inside. *YAY ME* So I call Greyhound to ask if they'll issue me another ticket since I still have my confirmation number. Need I mention that they were 'Sorry, nope, yer SOL'. *JOY*. So, I came up here with a relatively reasonable amount of money to spend, and after the fiasco in Seattle, I am now left with just enough to buy a ticket home.
Someone.. Shoot me.
HOWEVER.. Once Zahrah arrived (Surely thinking I'm far more trouble than I'm worth now ;) ) in Seattle to bring me the rest of the way up to her home, things started marginally improving.
She had downed a mega-dose of green tea before coming to get me lest she fall asleep on the trip. I believe her upper eyelids met her lower at somewhere around 5am. Though according to her there was not much sleep between our attempting to sleep at 3am, and our crawling from bed at noonish.
This is day one of 3 (full days) I'll be here, and things are already looking relatively untainted by the initial get-go.
Updates to come as they come, and with no more frequency than that. :)
Though I must say I'm quite ecstatically happy to be here with her, and actually able to take her into my arms when the mood strikes, rather than merely wishing I could. For that alone, a trip twice as perilous and three times as long would've been worth the trouble.
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