I started this post somewhere else, but I think I'll continue it here.
Everyone in life has dreams.. Dreams are a very important part of who we are. In some places dreams have been thought of as prophetic, even in the Bible this idea was put forth. In others they were the visitations of the ancestors, or travelling outside your body, or in the case of the aborigines of Australia.. They were reality, and waking life was the dream.
That being said, we all have simpler dreams.. Dreams of a better life, a better car, a better job.
My dream has always been of a better game. But the definition of 'better' is dependent upon the individual.
In my perfect game, nothing comes easy, and you have to work for every step. Sometimes individually, sometimes as a group.
http://www.atitd.com, A tale in the desert came very close to this, but still lacks some vital elements. Some of those elements are in the people playing. This game permits the people playing it to write their own laws, their own justice system. And they respond with apathy, with a complete lack of interest in passing anything that doesn't just give them free stuff. But imagine the ability to completely craft your own game society with your own rules?
How can people not be interested in something like this? I truly don't understand it, but Apathy is what I find.
So I've started working on my own concept for a game.. It'll likely never get written, but it soothes me to write about it. Of course, I won't share the idea just yet.. But in time..
For now, I wander off... Just had to put that out there.